Baked THC Edibles | Buy Baked Weed Edibles Online in Canada

Medically Reviewed on September 6, 2021 by Dr. K Langdon

Buy baked weed edibles online in Canada at Just Cannabis and access some of the freshest and most potent THC baked goods around. Enjoy a generous selection of premium-crafted marijuana cookies, cannabis brownies, and more! Select from our menu of top-selling and reliable edibles brands in Canada.

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Buy THC Baked Goods Online in Canada With Confidence

Cannabis cuisine confectioners rejoice! Baked cannabis edibles are taking Canada by storm and for good reasons. Baked edibles such as cannabis cookies and weed brownies are now mass-produced so that we all can enjoy them. These delicious THC-infused treats are becoming a regular part of Canadian society ever since legalization. You can now buy baked weed edibles online in Canada from trusted weed stores like Just Cannabis.

We provide the freshest and most delicious cannabis edibles from some of the best edibles brands in Canada. You can find a selection of Ganja Baked Edibles, Boost Edibles, Aura Edibles, and more. Order our baked THC goods online in Canada at Just Cannabis and get free joints with your purchase, earn rewards points, and qualify for free shipping. Visit our promos page to see what deals catch your eye.


What are Baked Weed Edibles? 

As the name suggests, baked weed edibles are baked goods infused with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a potent psychoactive constituent of cannabis. Baked weed is one of the most common types of weed edibles because not only does it get you high as a kite, it also tastes delicious. Baked edibles can be of any kind, i.e. cakes, brownies, or cookies. The key ingredient in this product is the THC and is the cherry on top for something already delicious. 

Weed edibles, especially baked items, are becoming widespread since the legalization of weed in Canada. The cannabis edibles market is enormous, so this means companies can enjoy their share in the cannabis market. In Canada, entrepreneurs and private companies have started producing and selling baked edibles, such as cookies and brownies, that contain THC due to the increasing public demand for novel means of cannabis consumption. Canada’s general population is now looking towards more eco-friendly ways of consuming cannabis to limit carbon emission, which is the unintentional byproduct of joints. Furthermore, everyday folks have also begun to realize the detrimental effects of cannabis smoke on the health and environment, creating further room in the Canadian legal canna market to introduce better and safer methods. According to reports, the edibles and alternatives market value could be worth as much as $2.7billion, which make up about 60% of the total legal cannabis market.

A downside of baked weed edibles is their slower and delayed response time. Unlike smoking or vaping cannabis, edibles take a long time to start working. This extra time opens up doors to abuse and over-consumption, potentially leading to severe side effects. Researchers say that edibles may take as much as 2 hours or more to fully start working, which is a period long enough for naive consumers to over-consume the product. Edibles must first be digested and processed by the liver before being absorbed into the bloodstream. The liver converts the cannabinoid content into a much more potent compound before letting the bloodstream absorb it and consequently delivering it to the brain. Therefore it is recommended that consumers remain patient when dealing with edibles so unpleasant experiences can be avoided.


Different Types of Baked Edibles

Any food item you bake and add THC to can be considered a baked cannabis edible. However, two main items take up most of the baked edibles market. These would be cannabis cookies and weed brownies. 

If you have seen any stoner movie, you probably have encountered a pot cookie or cannabis brownie.  

You can typically make weed cookies and brownies using cannabutter (butter infused with THC). The baking process is the same as usual, except the butter contains the extra ingredient of THC. 


Benefits of Baked Cannabis Edibles

The most significant advantage of baked weed edibles is that they are a dessert and are delicious. The great taste is especially true when the baker knows what they are doing. 

Besides their delicious taste, baked edibles are also an excellent way of limiting carbon emissions, making them an eco-friendly product. Unlike the joints, the edibles do not require an open flame for activation, and therefore the user doesn’t end up consuming the carcinogens and toxins.

Another great benefit of baked edibles, or edibles in general, is that they are quite discreet. You don’t need to leave a social setting or your typical day-to-day tasks just to go out and smoke. Instead, they can simply eat the THC-infused brownies and cookies without letting anyone else be aware of what they’re ingesting.

The greatest beneficiaries of baked weed edibles are probably teenagers who seek to get high discreetly without letting their parents/guardians catch the peculiar whiff or smell of marijuana. Baked weed edibles provide secrecy because they are just brownies. They rid the person of that fear of giving off that distinct weed smell while also eliminating the need to find a safe place to smoke.

Below are some of the most common effects associated with weed use:

Relaxation Happiness Uplifted-ness
Focus Creativity Energy 
Euphoria Lethargy Sedation
Hunger Lethargy Giggles


Medical Benefits

Medical marijuana patients enjoy baked weed edibles such as pot cookies and weed brownies because they are a delicious way to take medicine. 

The most common medical uses of weed edibles are to help with aches, pains, inflammation and muscle spasms. THC edibles are also ideal for those with arthritis. 

Another standard set of uses for baked weed edibles is to treat depression, anxiety and stress-related symptoms.


An essential piece of information for medicinal marijuana users is that THC can have severe implications when combined with other drugs or medicine because it can amplify the effects. This increase will result in a much more intense experience that might not suit some consumers. Therefore it is recommended not to consume any weed edibles infused with THC alongside other medicines or alcohol.

Below are some of the most common medical uses of marijuana:

Anxiety Depression Stress
Aches Pains Inflammation
Muscle Spasms Insomnia Lack of Appetite
Glaucoma Epilepsy Addictions
Fatigue Nausea Spasticity
Movement Disorders Autoimmune Issues Psychiatric Symptoms


Possible Side Effects of Baked Edibles

As previously mentioned, baked weed edibles are highly inefficient compared to vapes and joints that only take a couple of puffs to start producing the effect. Their indirect absorption causes this inefficiency into the bloodstream that delays the onset of effects. The time between consumption and for the effects to start taking place is enough for consumers to take the product in excess, which leads to discomfort and, in some cases, severe side effects. Another critical piece of information that all newcomers must know is that the weed edibles do not affect everyone the same way. Some may start feeling the effects as quickly as within 20 minutes, while others can take up to 3 hours. It all depends on the person’s metabolic rate and tolerance level. 

Moreover, baked edibles are delicious, which makes them prone to overconsumption just because of their taste. Therefore, you should avoid this at all costs so you can avoid any bad experiences or discomfort.

Some of the most common adverse effects include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry eyes, dry mouth, and lethargy. 

It is also vital to keep any baked weed edibles out of the reach of any unsuspecting individual. This additional care is critical when it comes to children. 

Also, the high concentrations of THC in baked goods can detrimentally affect hand-eye coordination and response time. Therefore, we suggest avoiding operating and heavy or dangerous machinery (this includes driving). 


Below are some of the most common adverse effects associated with weed use.

Dry Mouth Red Eyes Lethargy
Dizziness Paranoia Anxiousness
Headaches Nausea Vomiting
Chest Pain Rapid Heart Rate Memory Retention Issues
Coordination Issues Respiratory Irritation Increased Heart Rate
Low Blood Pressure Drowsiness Restlessness


Best Ways to Eat Baked THC Edibles

The best way to eat pot cookies and brownies is in moderation. Other than that, just eat them just as you would an ordinary baked good, but only in appropriate doses.


Baked Edible Dosage Chart

Very Light 1 to 2.5 mg Very Mild Newcomers or microdosers
Light 2.5 to 7.5 mg Mild Light Users
Moderate 7.5 to 15 mg  Moderate Novice Users
Medium 15 to 30 mg Medium Intermediate Users
High 30 to 50 mg Intense Heavy Users
Very High 50 to 100 mg Hero Daily Heavy Users
Hero +100 mg Hero Intensity Hero Stoners


The newcomers should slowly and gradually start building up their tolerance levels. First-timers should only consume a maximum of 5milligrams of THC and then return to it after 24 hours. From this point, you can slowly and gradually move up your dose in 2.5milligram increments. Remember, patience is a virtue, and patience will help you achieve the best possible high without unnecessary and unpleasant experiences.

Related Products

Other cannabis edibles you can choose from include weed gummies, chocolates, tinctures and capsules. You can be sure that whatever you choose will be a delicious choice.

Alternatively, you can select from other cannabis products such as marijuana flowers, weed concentrates and THC vapes. These products have stood the test of time and will always be a mainstay in Canada’s cannabis culture.

Or you can pick CBD items that do not cause intoxication. These products work with other cannabinoids and help provide a balanced set of effects.Adventurous individuals might want a psychedelic trip from magic mushroom products. These psilocybin mushroom products are sure to take users to a whole new world. However, magic mushrooms are hallucinatory drugs meaning that consumers might be able to see, hear or feel things that are not real, leading to severe paranoia and anxiety. Therefore, we recommend that magic mushrooms be consumed in appropriate amounts to avoid side effects.


Buy THC Baked Edibles Online in Canada | Just Cannabis

At Just Cannabis, we only keep the freshest baked goods in stock. Our selection of weed cookies and pot brownies is a favourite of many members. Make JustCannabis your choice for a marijuana dispensary, and let us prove to you that we care. Our goal is to ensure that all our customers are taken care of and meet all their needs. 



  1. Hartney, Elizabeth. (2020, July 22). What is THC? Very Well Mind. Available at:
  2. Department of Justice. (2019, October 17). Cannabis Legalization and Regulation. Available at:
  3. Kubala, J. (2019, June 7). Can You Eat Weed? All You Need to Know About Marijuana Edibles. Healthline. Available at:
  4. Government of Canada. (2020, October 28). Medical Use of Cannabis. Available at:
  5. Government of British Columbia. (2019, December 17). Edible Cannabis Affects People Differently ‘start low - go slow’ Fact Sheet. Available at:
  6. Nurturing new growth - Canada gets ready for Cannabis 2.0. Accessed Feb 2nd  at
  7. Edibles. Accessed Feb 2nd at

Baked THC Edibles | Buy Baked Weed Edibles Online in Canada

Medically Reviewed on September 6, 2021 by Dr. K Langdon

Buy baked weed edibles online in Canada at Just Cannabis and access some of the freshest and most potent THC baked goods around. Enjoy a generous selection of premium-crafted marijuana cookies, cannabis brownies, and more! Select from our menu of top-selling and reliable edibles brands in Canada.