Dosing With CBD Just Got A Lot Easier

Dosing With CBD

The rise in popularity of CBD over the years has perfectly illustrated society’s desire for a new natural and effective treatment. People who previously had no interest in cannabis were suddenly reaching out to me asking about CBD. As much as I took pride in being my friend’s reference for all things cannabis, I knew nothing about CBD. At that same time in my life, my anxiety was at an all-time high. So I went to my local dispensary, loaded with questions about CBD, and specifically taking it for anxiety.

To my disappointment, as much as the budtenders tried to help me, it was clear that most questions about CBD had yet to be answered. They knew the general information that everyone had been passing around: helps with anxiety and pain. But how much should one take? Is there such a thing as too much? What are the effects on the body? How do you properly dose with CBD?

I left emptyhanded and a bit dejected. How can this be the new miracle product if nobody knew anything about it?

As the years have passed, new research and information has come out. We now have a much better understanding as to how CBD works allowing us to take the cannabinoid with more confidence.


One thing that is still being worked out, however, is the correct dosing for CBD. Many studies have shown that to get the most of the medical benefits of CBD, taking a small amount of THC actually helps a great deal. The synergistic effects mean that even a small amount of THC can improve the efficacy of CBD, without getting the user high.

When it comes to dosing THC edibles, the trick is always to start small. For first-timers, most people recommend starting with 10mg, or even 5mg and working your way up. CBD is a bit more tricky as the effects are far more subtle and less overwhelming. This is actually what makes the cannabinoid so popular for people seeking medical treatment. Starting with 10mg of CBD, especially if you already use cannabis, may feel like nothing. On the other hand, if you are more sensitive to cannabis and using a full-spectrum oil, for example, you may feel more than you want. Also, it is important to note that edibles such as Keoni CBD Gummies affect the body differently than CBD prodcuts you inhale.

We have a blog coming out in the next few weeks that will explain in detail the difference behind full spectrum CBD products and ones made from CBD isolate. What you need to know for now is that while isolate contains pure CBD, full-spectrum oil made from the whole plant can contain trace amounts of THC. There are benefits with both options as they each respectively serve important purposes for specific medical needs.

Taking What We Know

For some, the trace amount of THC found in full-spectrum oil is all that they need. For others, they prefer a more precise and reliable dosage.  We are very happy to introduce Twisted Extracts New Oil Drops. Twisted Extracts is a name synonymous with trusted edibles in Canada and has been for some time. In the world of a new brand of edibles appearing and disappearing every few months, especially in the height of the grey-market dispensary days, you could not always rely on what you were buying. It’s easy to print 300mg of THC on a package and put 30mg or 3mg or even no THC at all.

Twisted Extracts has always been a brand that customers could rely on, both medical and recreational users alike. And that reputation still stands strong today.

As new information comes out, it has become clear that one of the most effective ways of ingesting CBD is via tinctures. The oil carries the cannabidiol perfectly, allowing your body to absorb more than if you were to just smoke or vape. While smoking is the quickest method of delivery, it lasts the shortest amount of time, meaning more and more is required.

With tinctures, you can be sure of what you’re getting and take the right amount down to the milliliter.

Indica vs Sativa

An entire blog could be dedicated to the battle between indica and sativa. And it has been…

It’s a fight with no real winner or loser, as like all things with cannabis, its a matter of what works for you.

Many, like myself, find that indicas work perfectly for their needs. They help with can anxiety, insomnia and stomach issues. Others, like my partner, prefer sativas, as they allow them to feel energized and focused while also being relaxed.

Some people are more sensitive to cannabis and find they react negatively to THC. Twisted Extracts Drops also come in pure CBD, made from isolate, without any THC. For so many people, the presence of THC or the possibility of getting high is a make or break aspect. By offering a pure CBD option, people can rest assured they will be getting just that: CBD.



Figuring out the right amount to take requires a lot of trial and error. Some people can grow frustrated by the process and the lack of immediate results. I encourage you to give it time in finding the right amount and ratio for yourself. Always start small and work your way up. CBD can help counteract some of the unwanted effects of THC, but even then, you don’t want to take too much of anything too quick.

As CBD is a newer discovery, especially in the world of medicine, there is still a great deal of research required before we can know the exact science of it and therefore precise dosage requirements. CBD Oil Review refers to the Mayo Clinics dosage breakdown:

  • Loss of Appetite in Cancer Patients: 2.5mg of THC (orally), with or without 1mg of CBD for six weeks. [S]
  • Chronic Pain: 2.5-20mg of CBD [with or without THC] (orally). [S]
  • Epilepsy: 200-300mg of CBD (orally) daily. [S]
  • Movement Problems Due to Huntington’s Disease: 10mg of CBD per kg of body weight daily for six weeks (orally). [S]
  • Sleep Disorders: 40mg-160mg of CBD (orally). [S]
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms: Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a THC/CBD combination daily for 2-15 weeks. Patients typically use eight sprays within any three hours, with a maximum of 48 sprays in any 24-hour period. [S]
  • Schizophrenia: 40-1,280mg oral CBD daily. [S]
  • Glaucoma: A single sublingual CBD dosage of 20-40mg (>40 mg may increase eye pressure). [S]

This can serve as a great reference for what others may be using to treat similar ailments to yours.

What’s Right For You And Your Needs

Keep in mind, if you are using one of the varieties with THC, be sure to go slow, as you do not want an adverse reaction. If your condition requires very high dosages of CBD, it is unlikely that you will want to take the same amount of THC. Therefore the 3:1 may be your best choice.

Alternatively, if you’re condition calls for small dosages, you may find equal parts CBD and THC is the most effective.

Dosing With Confidence

A couple of years ago I would have done anything for this many options. Sure, CBD was clearly working for a lot of people, but when finding information regarding dosages and interactions with THC, you were left to figure it out on your own. Now we know so much more about how various cannabinoids interact. With Twisted Extracts Drops you can find the right tincture that works for you, and do so without having to wonder how much THC compared to CBD you are really taking.

Being able to take CBD, without having to worry about other factors, plays a huge role in its potential efficacy. See what ratio works best for you and your needs and go forwarding taking CBD and THC with confidence.

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